British MP Y. Cooper supports restriction to welfare benefits for EU jobseekers

yvette-cooper-pic-getty-253139458Yvette Cooper outlined Labour’s plans to tackle immediate access to UK welfare aids for new European migrants, as her speech seemed quite inconsistent with the traditional position of the Labour party on such subject.

After apologizing for the mistakes she said the Labour party had made in office, MP Cooper claimed “migrants would be expected to be in the country for some time and contribute before getting something back”- in order to avoid using tax and benefits system unfairly.
It is not fair, she added, that someone moving to the UK without their children could claim British family benefits to send them back home.

Miss Cooper does not underrate the contribution of EU migrants and does not ignore how hard most of them work, but the welfare system must not be a way of getting free support from other countries without contributing.

The opposition seems to be tired of the shortage of practical proposals from the government. Long-term reforms on residence requirements and welfare rules are now required by the Labour party to avoid wasting more money in times of crisis.

There is no intent to cut out support for European citizens who set out for Britain to find a job. There is no purpose of privileging British jobless people to those coming from abroad, according to a mere logic of selfishness.
It’s not a matter of taste, it’s a matter of waste.

di Gianmarco Capati

photo: Yvette Cooper (Getty):


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